Thursday, August 14, 2014

Stage Fright and Stumbling Students

Waffle ReviewsHello everyone! This post comes from a blogger friend of mine. Mario Elia is a movie buff and blogs at Waffle Reviews. Do check out his blog when you're thinking about a movie to watch! Happy Reading

Having nothing to say is a universal issue, it affects even the best of us. Whether it is in a social situation or in the middle of a job interview, we all try to avoid going blank.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Why Do I Blog?

So, I was reading +Ryan J Williams' post "The Purpose Of Blogging" and am compelled to write about my own reasons for blogging. This blog is very young and I'm simply in love with the world of blogging. Here's why:

You Get To Have Your Say


My brain workshop
Blogging's my outlet
Photo Credits: Vima
What I post is my say, what you comment is yours and a kaleidoscope of opinions forms. Bloggers and readers from all the various aspects of life (and yeah, timezones too) can interact and a whole new world opens up. I don't know, I just like to hear opinions (I'm the listening kind) and I can spend all day reading blogs, commenting and replying to the comments that some nice folks leave here. I have quite a long blogroll and I'll share it with you people if you want me to.