Friday, July 25, 2014

How to be an achiever

Some pointers on becoming an achiever

Summit, pinnacle, apex, topGood grades, physical fitness or proficiency in anything as random as gardening – achieving is the key, and the key to achieving is hard work. Though learning processes do vary from task to task, here are some fundamental ideas aside from hard work that would apply to achieving almost anything. 

Have truckload of resources

Whatever you intend to do, research’s a must. Watch videos, read tutorials, get a mentor, buy books, gather as much resources as you can. It won’t hurt to overkill, so it’s a good strategy to possess knowledge of a higher degree or level than you intend to achieve. This is a cumbersome task, but the odds favor it. By attaining more than necessary knowledge, you will feel amazingly confident because the ball is in your court. You have complete command over whatsoever you intend to do, at your level at least.

There is simply no substitute for hard work when it comes to achieving success
Heather Bresch

Set HIGH (unrealistic) goals

inspire, create, learn
Start achieving
Courtesy Shutter Stock
Want to climb the tallest tree? Better dream about the Eiffel Tower.
Setting high goals may seem a bit ridiculous and unrealistic at first, but it has its pros. High goals will always coerce you to exhibit greater efforts. It’s the same as a “Do more” placard. First, it will overshadow your intended goal and beguile your mind, your intended goal will seem nothing compared to the higher one you’ve set. This in turn makes it easier to achieve the intended goal as our mind is worried about something much more difficult. 

Having an aim is the key to achieving your best.
Henry J. Kaiser

 Grab everything

Be hungry, be selfish, and grab every opportunity coming your way. Competitions, showdowns, exhibitions, seize every one of them. Don’t think that your competitors are better, you are prepared too and if you don’t make it, you just have to do more. Either you’ll succeed or you’ll learn about your loopholes.

To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve.
 Michael Jordan

Congratulate and scold yourself

When you decide to take a break, you can congratulate yourself on achieving the goal, reward yourself with some soothing music or delicious desserts and then scold yourself. Though my friend Ans would advocate “Reward is a golden cow, you milk it till it runs dry”, but you have failed to achieve the unrealistic goal remember? Tell your brain something like “You’ve done half the garden today, the other half is still left!” or whatever your case is. This will be your motivation to keep striving.

You are never done

Never feel content. Contentment will kill your desire to strive. The day you feel like you’ve done it all, is the day you won’t do a thing more. Your progress stops there. You’ll surely be at the pinnacle of some skill one day, but there are endless possibilities to explore. Find something else to perfect. We only live once, why not achieve as much as we can? There are still many things left to perfect.

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can achieve excellence.
Vince Lombardi

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  1. This piece is so mature and useful :)

  2. I like these pointers :) You could make a little infographics, and people would buy them :)

    1. I Googled that up :D I'll try working on that


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